2013年7月24日 星期三

::Cuffs x Lab Concept pop-up::

Should go tailor made your own shirt! much much FUN at CUFFS! ;)

LAB Concept與近年火速竄紅、創新的男裝訂製恤衫品牌CUFFS獨家合作,於7月在金鐘廊開設pop-up store。為慶祝是次合作,LAB Concept特別與CUFFS合力炮製了一系列限量產品,包括由兩個品牌的設計師共同設計的獨家圖案布料,以及只在LAB Concept獨家售賣的額外4款精選布料及5款精選鈕扣,務求以型格的材料和圖案滿足追求獨特個人風格的顧客!

2013年7月1日至31日在金鐘的LAB Concept 開店,將傳統度身訂造恤衫繁複、單調的過程變為自主性高、變化多端的有趣體驗。一般傳統度身訂造恤衫價錢高昂且款式選擇有限,但此pop-up store特別設有“Shirt Bar”,可以讓顧客隨個人喜好選擇布料、衣領及袖口,繼而再挑選額外的絲帶及鈕扣等作點綴,享受一個完全由自己主導的設計過程。其後店舖會再為顧客提供一系列超過10項的專業度身服務,讓人可輕鬆打造出一件稱身完美而且時尚獨特的訂製恤衫。

pop-up store更會提供免費在衣領上刺繡名字的獨家服務,使這件訂製恤衫成為最完美的個人化單品kekekee....

LAB Concept exclusive pop-up store collaboration with CUFFS, an innovative men’s custom shirt maker. LAB Concept
aims to bring CUFFS’ uniquely stylish and modern take on tailoring to a market that increasingly demands quality
and personalization.

As an exclusive privilege for LAB Concept shoppers, the pop-up store also provides a free monogramming service so that customers can personalize their shirt with their initials.

thanks CUFFS and LAB CONCEPT to made this collar to BiRDie ;D

collar exclusive made to BiRD : D

monogramming service is COOOOOOOL! personally YEAH ;D